Policies & Public-Private Partnership for impact
This line of research is focused on cross-sectoral collaborations and partnerships as a driving force in sustainability and impact generation. It deals with the organisational and policy challenges faced in aligning the interests and needs of public authorities, for profit companies, social economy organizations and investors in the generation of impact.
The object of this line of research are public-private partnerships intended as an informal or formalized collaboration between public and private actors to develop products and/or services generating a positive impact and in which risks, costs and benefits are shared. We believe that these partnerships are at the center of the transition towards impact economy and will be key for securing a global sustainable development.
Our focus includes different forms of public-private partnership models, from those with a primarily commercial purpose, such as traditional concessions or projects finance for infrastructures, to those with an explicit social purpose, such as social outcome contracts (e.g. Social Impact Bonds or Pay-by-Results models). Within these range of different models, we identify impact management and measurement as key determinants and enabling factors of value generation. Indeed, impact measurement is not a widespread practice in the realm of cross sectoral partnerships, however, when implemented and embedded in the design of the contract/partnership, it has the potential to enhance the generation of impact. More specifically, the development ex ante of a measurement infrastructure can support the management of impact generation and balance the risks and rewards throughout the value creation process for the different actors involved.
Moreover, we aim to explore the challenges and opportunities that impact management entails in terms of managing the bargaining power and the value alignment of the different private and public players and in terms of supporting (impact) investment planning and budgeting.
Finally we analyse the different measurement practices as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) approaches, models aligned with the SDGs system and approaches based on theory of change. Properly, this research line also aims to develop an ad hoc social and sustainability impact measurement framework for public-private partnership for impact