Graduate Courses
The Laurea Magistrale (equivalent to Master of Science) provides a first year of basic training, followed by 14 possible Major in order to customize the education according to your preferences, attitudes and expectations. The Programme also provides a wide choice of exchange experiences and international double degrees.
The Study Programme is provided in English, to allow an international experience with the presence in the classroom of students of different countries. Registration requires an assessment of the previous career.nt of the previous career.
Our Major
Societal challenges, global crisis, shifting consumers preferences, political advocacy and technological breakthroughs are radically transforming markets and business models, casting the sustainability imperative at the center of the stage and giving rise to the so-called purpose-driven economy. Corporations, financial institutions and social ventures will have to redesign their missions and business models in order to pursue, jointly and intentionally, purpose and profit objectives, delivering positive impact on the environment and society. Against this background, a profound rethinking of management practices, governance models, strategies and operations is inevitable and urgent.
The Major Sustainability and Social Impact aims to get students acquainted with the societal challenges, the new economic paradigms and the technological breakthroughs that are giving rise to the purpose-driven economy. Students will learn how to develop and implement managerial models, innovations, strategies, finance and investing approaches able to envision solutions that proactively tackle social and environmental problems while also pursuing economic sustainability and profit.
Learning experience
The Major Sustainability and Social Impact consists of 3 courses:
Management for Sustainability and Impact
Prof. Mario Calderini
This course is designed to provide students with concepts and instruments that are necessary to gain a better understanding of sustainability and impact management
The program includes the analysis of strategy, technology and impact management, financial instruments, accounting and control tools, performance management approaches as a function of the objectives of newly established social ventures or consolidated and mainstream corporate models, striving to exploit the opportunities related to emerging societal challenges.
Sustainable and Social innovation LAB
Prof. Irene Bengo
This laboratory is designed as a training arena based on learning by doing.
Classroom-based, collaborative (small-group) sessions will provide students with an opportunity to apply concepts, methods, and tools acquired throughout the courses.
Students will explore and become familiar with the business models and corporate strategies through new managerial approaches, new forms of collaboration, innovative technology, and product and process innovation.
Collaborative Innovation for Sustainability and Impact
Prof. Antonella Moretto
The course will cover the following topics:
- The role of sustainability for innovation
- New models of innovation for sustainability
- Enablers of innovation for sustainability
- Collaborations for sustainability