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Research in Action
Research areas
The investment Fund Equiter Infrastructure II – Infrastrutture, Innovazione, Impatto, managed by Ersel Asset Management SGR S.p.A., focuses on ESG investments in the infrastructure field, in sectors such as renewable energies, sustainable mobility, circular economy, education, and healthcare infrastructures. The TIRESIA impact finance team follows the Fund’s investment process from the structuring phase of the pipeline, supporting the screening of investment opportunities by assessing the ESG impact potential and related ESG risks of each possible deal, engaging with the Fund’s management team managers, and directly meeting potential investees. To systematise the evaluation process of each investment proposal, the TIRESIA team has developed a series of tools specifically for this project, the ESG Questionnaire and the ESG Acid Test, which allows the evaluation of each investment based on the standards promoted by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Once the compatibility of the deals with the Fund’s investment strategy and objectives has been verified, the TIRESIA team is responsible for defining, implementing, and validating the impact measurement and evaluation process, which includes the implementation and the assessment of specific KPIs for each investment operation.
Politecnico di Milano, French impact, Impact tank – Groupe SOS consulting, Labo Evaluation et mesure d’impact sociale, INEAS (Mexican Institute for Social Economy), Harvard University, FEBEA, Foro Impacto/Spain NAB, Social Impact Agenda per l’Italia, Seed Spot, Mars centre for impact investing, Asociación Amica, HEC Liège – Center for Social Economy, Halcyon: incubator, Bundesinitiatives impact investing, L’Esplanade, Government of France, Government of Mexico, Centro de Recuperacao e Educacao Nutricional.