On the occasion of the Training Plan “A synergistic network for common goods: development and innovation for human and urban regeneration” Tiresia was asked to conduct in-depth research to analyze and study the state of the art of social impact measurement techniques and methodologies in the urban regeneration context. Subsequently, guidelines were developed to guide the realities operating in the urban regeneration field, who want to approach the practice of social impact assessment in planning and measuring the change generated through their activities and interventions.
By mutual agreement between all the beneficiaries of the Plan, it was decided to test the guidelines on the specific case of “Kilowatt”, a Bolognese work cooperative operating in the world of social innovation, training, communication, creativity, urban regeneration and power supply. The “Serre dei Giardini Margherita” project was chosen as an example of urban regeneration of an abandoned public space and a case study on which to apply and test the validity of the guidelines for measuring the social impact developed.
FonCoop Fund, Officine Gutenberg Cooperativa Sociale, Cascina Biblioteca Società Cooperativa Sociale Di Solidarietà A R.L. Onlus, The Hub Trentino-Suedtirol S.C., Kilowatt Soc. Coop., Cooperativa Sociale Officinevispa, Oxa S.r.l. Impresa Sociale, Associazione Consorzio Cantiere Cuccagna, Dynamo Soc. Coop., Associazione Culturale Dynamoscopio and Ateliersi Ass. Cult.