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The specific challenge of SEED is to stimulate and support the establishment of four Social Innovation Competence Centers in Italy, Greece, Romania and Slovenia. Researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and civil servants will work together to create public and open infrastructures capable of assisting national European Social Fund (ESF) managerial authorities to better imply the ESF+ funds for

18th November 2021 Secondo una recente analisi FIGC e Uefa oggi in Italia ci sono oltre 1 milione di giocatori tesserati per un impatto che supera i 3 miliardi di euro all’anno, con ricadute dirette sull’economia (26%) fra investimenti infrastrutturali e consumi dei calciatori, nel campo della salute (47%) con una diminuzione effettiva della spesa pubblica sanitaria

14th November 2021 I giovani sono al centro dell'agenda politica. Mario Draghi lo ha ribadito due settimane fa agli studenti di un istituto tecnico di Bari: «Dopo anni in cui l'Italia si è spesso dimenticata delle sue ragazze e dei suoi ragazzi, oggi le vostre aspirazioni, le vostre attese sono al centro dell'azione di Governo». Contemporaneamente a

​PerMicro is the first company in Italy to specialise in the supply of credits and microcredit to subjects excluded from traditional credit channels due to insufficient credit history or precarious working positions. Founded in Turin in 2007, PerMicro offers two types of loans: those for families, specifically designed to address urgent and temporary financial needs related

+ Sport a Scuola is a project designed by the Pietro Pittini Foundation in collaboration with the University of Udine. To convey values such as team spirit, stimulation of respect, healthy competition, and solidarity, this program focuses on fostering the health and psychophysical well-being of the children of some lower secondary schools in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Although

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Located in Como, Cometa is an organization founded in 2000 as a network of foster families and has now developed into a broad organisation offering support and a wide range of social, health, and education services to children, their natural families, and foster families. Under the umbrella of Cometa Fondazione, two main entities are actively involved in the project and activities with young students. One is "Il Manto Cooperativa Sociale", which was created in 2005 to respond to the needs of minors in hardship and at risk of marginalization and school dropout through creating a place of welcome and education for children and their families. The other is Cometa Formazione SCS, which was founded in 2003 to give a concrete opportunity to children who dropped out of school without any job prospects. Cometa's educational offer is conceived as a path that focuses on the enhancement of work and direct experience ("from doing to knowing) and is developed from the perspective of personal and professional orientation and re-motivation.​
[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Since 2016, Tiresia was involved in the impact evaluation of several multi-stakeholders projects promoted by Il Manto and Cometa Formazione; in chronological order:​
  • The Impact of Cometa Formazione: this is a pilot project for the impact evaluation of the activities of Cometa Formazione;​
  • T.E.A.C.H. project: the impact evaluation of the collaboration between Il Manto and four primary and lower secondary schools in Como. This project stands out for the use of a counterfactual analysis;​
  • "W4T" and "La scuola possibile": this is the impact evaluation of two programs developed by Cometa Formazione;​
  • "Ad-Hoc": this project is co-financed by the social enterprise "Con I Bambini" and aims at contrasting educational poverty through the development of an educational community;​
  • "Tra Palco e Realtà": this is a project developed with "Teatro Sociale Como" and has the objective to promote the responsibility for the common good through the students' involvement in the restoration of a theatre's box and other cultural activities;​
  • "Hope": the project aims to increase the social inclusion of young foreign students;​
  • "Here": the project wants to contribute to the current and future economic and social challenges, including those caused by the Covid-19 emergency.

The innovation project aimed to encourage innovation and technology transfer in the cultural field, supporting institutions in rethinking their activities and functioning by establishing collaborations with companies active in the cultural and creative sector. ​ The central part of the project was a call for innovators directed to companies and startups active in the cultural and creative