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5th February 2022 "Le diseguaglianze non sono il prezzo da pagare alla crescita. Sono piuttosto il freno per ogni prospettiva reale di crescita. Nostro compito - come prescrive la Costituzione - è rimuovere gli ostacoli". Le parole del discorso del Presidente della Repubblica, Sergio Mattarella, in occasione del suo insediamento hanno ispirato un dossier su

1st February 2022 Per le imprese orientate all’a impatto sociale come (RI)GENERIAMO, la società benefit sostenuta da Leroy Merlin Italia, e più in generale per l’economia purpose-drive, che momento è, quali sono le sfide e le prospettive nella fase post-pandemica? Lo abbiamo chiesto a uno dei massimi esperti in materia in Italia, Mario Calderini, Professore di Sustainability and

[vc_row][vc_column][eltdf_section_title type="standard" position="" separator="no" text_tag="" text_font_weight="" text="News - 17th december 2021" separator-color="#1e73be"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]

On the 9th December 2021, the European Commission adopted the new Action Plan for the Social Economy.
With the Action Plan, the Commission proposed concrete measures to help develop the full potential of the social economy in Europe, building on the results of the 2011 Social Business Initiative and 2016 Start-up and Scale-up Initiative.
The document was influenced by the article Social-Tech Entrepreneurs: Building Blocks of a New Social Economy (2021), published in Stanford Social Innovation Review, a work of Mario Calderini, Tiresia’s director, the researchers Veronica Chiodo and Francesco Gerli, and Giulio Pasi, Scientific Officer of the European Commission.
The document highlights the contribution of Tiresia’s researchers in the section on strategies to maximise the potential of the social economy for the green and digital transition, identifying the social economy as an actor capable of promoting a more equitable and inclusive digital transition.

1th November 2021 In the Sixth People’s Hospital in Jinan, ChinRaconteur just published a new article on the innovations which can lead us toward the urgent need to cut CO2 emissions. Mario Calderini and other experts were interviewed about what recent innovations will be most outreaching in the next few years.