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Per Le Giornate di Bertinoro 2021 Saverio Cuoghi conversa con Mario Calderini, Full Professor di Management di sostenibilità e impatto presso il Politecnico di Milano e Direttore di Tiresia, il centro di ricerca sull'impatto sociale.

The investment fund Fondo Sì of SEFEA IMPACT focuses on equity impact investments in various fields ranging from social cooperatives working for the employment of disadvantaged people to renewable energy in Italy. The TIRESIA impact finance team supports the Fund in developing the impact investment strategy and impact measurement and management process, including the design and

The investment Fund Equiter Infrastructure II – Infrastrutture, Innovazione, Impatto, managed by Ersel Asset Management SGR S.p.A., focuses on ESG investments in the infrastructure field, in sectors such as renewable energies, sustainable mobility, circular economy, education, and healthcare infrastructures. The TIRESIA impact finance team follows the Fund’s investment process from the structuring phase of the pipeline,

Social Energy Renovations (SER) project stimulates sustainable renovation in the third sector. SER intends to design, set up, and implement an innovative de-risking financing mechanism that entails financing and technical standardisation, project aggregation, social impact assessment and credit enhancement. Under SER’s financing scheme, an ESCO raises low-cost long-term capital via a financing instrument integrated with a

Written by Mario Calderini, Veronica Chiodo, Alice Borrello     This edition of Tiresia Impact Outlook, in addition to offering the usual framework for the dimensions and dynamics of impact investing in Italy, poses the  question of which of the two scenarios is prevailing and what is the fundamental nature of the numerous initiatives that we have seen proliferating

The consortium involves 20 to 30 leading social entrepreneurs, investors, experts and governments representatives from the countries concerned by the project (United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and India and other five European countries: France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Belgium) in the Peer-learning experience on social impact measurement.Social impact measurement is a common stake worldwide

Social outcome contracts (SOCs) is a relatively new type of mechanism in public service procurement. It focuses on harnessing the resources of the public, private, philanthropy, and civil society sectors to jointly implement effective interventions in the public domain. This tool should provide potential to modernise public services and European welfare regimes: by encouraging a culture

20th July 2021 Abbiamo ricevuto nei giorni scorsi un duro promemoria sull’urgenza di prenderci cura in modo serio del pianeta e delle persone che lo abitano. La contiguità tra prosperità e devastazione nei villaggi tedeschi inondati è il segnale d’allarme definitivo, perché ci impedisce di rifugiarci nell’idea che la sfida della sostenibilità riguardi altro e altri.