Report of the study on the benefits of using Social Outcome Contracting
The Final Report of our study on the benefits of using Social Outcome Contracting has been published.
OECD: Social Impact measurement for the Social and Solidarity Economy
The consortium involves 20 to 30 leading social entrepreneurs, investors, experts and governments representatives from the countries concerned by the project (United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, and India and other five European countries: France, Spain, Italy, Germany and Belgium) in the Peer-learning experience on social impact measurement.Social impact measurement is a common stake worldwide
Benefits of SOCs in the provision of social services and interventions
Social outcome contracts (SOCs) is a relatively new type of mechanism in public service procurement. It focuses on harnessing the resources of the public, private, philanthropy, and civil society sectors to jointly implement effective interventions in the public domain. This tool should provide potential to modernise public services and European welfare regimes: by encouraging a culture
La Repubblica | L’innovazione come rimedio (it)
20th July 2021 Abbiamo ricevuto nei giorni scorsi un duro promemoria sull’urgenza di prenderci cura in modo serio del pianeta e delle persone che lo abitano. La contiguità tra prosperità e devastazione nei villaggi tedeschi inondati è il segnale d’allarme definitivo, perché ci impedisce di rifugiarci nell’idea che la sfida della sostenibilità riguardi altro e altri.
Preserving the integrity of sustainability | Mario Calderini | TEDxVarese/ IT In a world where the concepts of sustainability and social responsibility are so mainstream, it's important to approach them seriously and concretely. Mario Calderini reminds us that it's time for businesses and institutions to tackle the big challenges of our time and take coherent actions for the wellbeing of the people and the planet. This talk was
Social Impact Evaluation of organisations working to prevent school dropout: Cometa T.E.A.C.H case
September 2021, this paper was prepared by Debora Caloni and Gabriele Guzzetti in the framework of OECD Global Action “Promoting Social & Solidarity Ecosystems”
In dialogo con il Foro di Regione Lombardia | Imprese tecnologiche ad impatto sociale per un’innovazione inclusiva e responsabile
Un ciclo di sei webinar per conoscere i dieci membri del Foro regionale per la Ricerca e l'Innovazione. Era questo "In dialogo col Foro", la serie di appuntamenti online organizzata tra il 25 maggio e il 6 luglio 2021 da Regione Lombardia in collaborazione con Fondazione Bassetti per incontrare da vicino i dieci esperti internazionali di