Kind of project
Research areas
2020 – ongoing
THSN / Ora di Futuro is an educational project aimed at children that involves teachers, families, schools and non-profit networks throughout Italy. The project is promoted by Generali in Italy and The Human Safety Net, a global foundation created by the Generali Group in favour of communities, with the collaboration of three non-profit organizations: Albero della Vita, Mission Bambini, Centro per la Salute del Bambino.
THSN / Ora di Futuro teaches primary school children to manage resources and make responsible choices on major issues such as health and well-being, environmental resources, economy and savings. An innovative educational path designed to involve children with play, thanks to a digital platform, together with parents and teachers. In two years, THSN / Ora di Futuro involved 80,000 children throughout Italy in 6,000 classes of 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade of primary schools, distributed 60 IWBs (Interactive Whiteboards) to schools and 1,000 tablets to fragile families for distance learning and totaling 10,000 hours of volunteer work among the employees of Generali Italia.
Moreover, THSN / Ora di Futuro also supports initiatives for families in difficulty with children aged 0 to 6 focused on parenting education, thanks to the collaboration with non-profit networks chosen by the employees of Generali Country Italia. Albero della Vita, Mission Bambini, Centro per la Salute del Bambino are the three non-profit organizations involved to help parents strengthen their skills to offer children more solid foundations for their growth. In the first two years, 16 “Ora di Futuro” centres for families 0/6 years were opened in Italy.
Since 2020, Tiresia has been involved in developing a replicable and scalable model able to identify, measure and monitor the social impact generated by the Ora di Futuro platform designed to support educational activities in schools, with particular attention to the reference context.
The evaluation methodology used was the Theory of Change, interpreted and applied using the Social Value Chain tool, for its practicality and wide diffusion compared to other measurement processes and its functionality concerning the project and measurement objectives.
Process steps implemented for the development of the model and the social impact assessment of the project consist in 1) the analysis and involvement of key stakeholders like students, families, teachers, school leaders, Generali’s project team and pedagogues team; 2) the social value chain definition, with the identification of the main project’s output, outcome and impact value dimensions; 3) the development of the related indicators and data collection tools; 4) impact assessment and 5) results communication.