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News – 30th December 2022
Il racconto di Tiresia oggi e come la difesa dell’Impact Integrity rappresenti l’ obiettivo prioritario del 2023 per il centro di ricerca del Politecnico di Milano.
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- 2022
- Alice Borrello
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- Calderini
- Federico Bartolomucci
- Francesco Gerli
- Irene Bengo
- News on Social Economy
News – 30th December 2022
Il racconto di Tiresia oggi e come la difesa dell’Impact Integrity rappresenti l’ obiettivo prioritario del 2023 per il centro di ricerca del Politecnico di Milano.
Tiresia valuterà l’impatto sociale dell’8xmille CEI
News – 22th December 2022
Siamo contenti di annunciare una nuova importante collaborazione, Tiresia Polimi sarà partner del progetto di valutazione delll’impatto dell’ 8xmille della Conferenza Episcopale Italiana
Proclamati i vincitori di Welfare, che Impresa! 6° ed.
News – 29th September 2022
Proclamati i vincitori di Welfare, che Impresa!, il programma di capacity building per progetti di welfare ad alto potenziale di impatto sociale, economico e ambientale, giunto alla sua sesta edizione.
Tiresia researchers won the 2022 EMN Research Award
Federico Bartolomucci and Veronica Chiodo won the 2022 EMN Research Award
Our Tiresians were awarded a PhD in Management Engineering
The PhD programme in Management Engineering (DRIG) offers students an advanced education together with the opportunity of carrying out research work in the fields of management, economics and industrial engineering.
A New Impact Era: the GSG Leadership Meeting in Turin from May 23rd to 25th
Si punta a formare figure professionali con doppia caratteristica di «manager-tecnologi» e con una prospettiva fortemente integrata e innovativa sulla sostenibilità
Master of Science in Trasformative Sustainability: la nuova laurea magistrale in collaborazione tra Bocconi e Politecnico
Si punta a formare figure professionali con doppia caratteristica di «manager-tecnologi» e con una prospettiva fortemente integrata e innovativa sulla sostenibilità
MIND e il nuovo campus scientifico UniMi: Tiresia advisor scientifico per il Fondo Equiter Infrastructure II
A MIND, le società Lendlease e Equiter Spa hanno firmato un accordo per collaborare allo sviluppo e alla condivisione di opportunità di investimento anche con formule di partenariato pubblico-privato (PPP): tra i primi investimenti il nuovo campus scientifico UniMi.
ASP Winter School ’22 | The intangible matter of places: impact and innovation commons
News – 7th March 2022
Alta Scuola Politecnica 17th cycle – Winter School 2022
Mondiale Impact was lauched today
News – 1st March 2022
Mondiale Impact brings together the skills and experience of Mario Calderini and a group of pioneering impact leaders from around the world. They have joined forces to launch a new venture hoping to rethink governance for the 21st Century.
The Unlonely Planet: How Ashoka Fellows Accelerate an Everyone a Changemaker World
News – 25th February 2022
Mario Calderini’s Interview for the presentation of Ashoka’s Unlonely Planet Report.
Ashoka presents its global study of systems-changing social entrepreneurs, the study is in collaboration with Tiresia-Politecnico di Milano.
MIP – Politecnico di Milano School of Management launches PURPOSE TALKS. Can Sustainability, profit and social impact coexist?
News – 17th Februsry 2022
Why do Purpose-Driven Companies do better?
EU Commission adopted the new Action Plan for Social Economy
News – 17th december 2021
The Social Economy Action Plan highlights the contribution of Tiresia’s researchers in the section on strategies to maximise the potential of the social economy for the green and digital transition.
Social economy action plan launch event
News – 16th december 2021
The European Commission will present a new action plan to support the social economy.
Mario Calderini was named one of the Apolitical’s 100 Most Influential Academics in Government 2021
News – 20th december 2021
The list highlights work that’s influenced the policymaking process by providing insights into policy problems, contributing innovative ideas and solutions.